Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Greek Yogurt Souffle

quite impressive straight out of the gate...

light fluffy, delicate...perfect for a lovely Sunday brunch.

serve right away for the warm sky high souffle effect...

or  "fallen" as a light, airy healthy and guilt-free cheesecake souffle.  

sometimes, most of the time, you just can't get the darn things to the table in time.  not to worry if they fall.  these are still quite impressive.  i know your crazy head is saying "fallen=failure"... but just take a bite and you will see it is still light as air and "souffle-like".  the first two photos are just minutes out of the oven.  the photos below are about 1/2 an hour out.  if you fill the ramekin to the first rim it should not sink any further than shown.
get creative with your accessories... fresh berries, a blueberry coulis,  ginger syrup, or warm and syrupy homemade jam?

it's like eating a little vanilla cloud.  
a perfect individual fancy treat, but i could eat three so make a few extra.


1 cup plain greek yogurt...i use 0% Fage
3 large egg yolks
3 large egg whites
3 Tbsp AP flour
1/8 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla extract...(per Grandma...i always spill a little extra in the mix) or a 1/2 vanilla pod would look nice with the black specks.
1/8 tsp cream of tarter
1/4 cup sugar, or i used Z Sweet, a sugar substitute
butter and "real" sugar for ramekins

preheat oven to 375 F degrees, non convection...bottom heating element only if possible.  i read this somewhere and it seems to work well with any souffle.
butter six 6oz ramekins.  coat inside ramekin with sugar and knock out excess.  set on baking sheet.
in a large mixing bowl whisk together yogurt, egg yolks, flour, salt and vanilla.  in a medium bowl or in your stand mixture, beat the egg whites and cream of tartar until foamy...then gradually pour in the sugar and whisk until firm, but soft peaks form...just don't whip so hard you break the whites.
add 1/3 of egg white mixture to the yogurt mixture and incorporate well.  then carefully fold in another 1/3...then the remaining.  you want to keep as much volume as possible, of course.
divide evenly into ramekins...i think i filled mine to the line just below the rim because when they fall you still want to have volume in the ramekin.
bake on tray for about 15 minutes, until evenly risen and lightly browned around the edges.

serve IMMEDIATELY for the full effect.

BUT...these are still fabulous after they fall  as you can see in some of the photos.
they are also delicious the next day.  they retain their fluff and they taste like a very delicate cheesecake.  i'd have this for breakfast every morning if i could...full of protein, calcium and quite a healthy start for the day. 

approx. nutrition info
6 servings

80 calories
6.6 carbs
2.5 fat
2.3 sugar
7.4 protein


Diane said...

Oh this looks terrific! I am going to make it with some of my homemade coconut yogurt that I have strained to make it thick! Thanks for sharing this!

Jules and Ruby said...

hi Diane. you make your own "coconut" yogurt?...and it's thick?...nice. i hope this works with that. a coconut healthy breakfast souffle sounds delicious.

Unknown said...

This looks delicious!

I work with AllFreeSlowCookerRecipes and have been trying to contact you. Please email me if there is a good way to reach you. Thanks!

Adam Kaplan

Anonymous said...

I've had trouble trying to find delicious things to make with Plain Greek Yogurt. Made this recipe this morning! SO GOOD! I'd make it again in a heartbeat. Takes a bit of effort, but once you taste that first bit, it's all well worth it!!

Marie said...

I made it, its sooooo good, Thank u

Anonymous said...

This looks amazing!! But what is AP flour??

Jules and Ruby said...

hi anonymous, MARIE and anonymous...thanks for the comments...AP flour is all-purpose flour...just regular ol' flour...thanks again...J

Anna Smith said...

The thing about nice blogs is I can't get over it.=) thanks for sharing..

Anonymous said...

Do you use self rising flour?

Jules and Ruby said...

hi Anonymous...just good old "all-purpose" flour

Jules and Ruby said...

hi Anna Smith...thanks for checking in...i see you are in the yogurt business...LUCKY!

Anonymous said...

I am eating this right now and I love it!! I actually divided the batter between 3 ovenproof mugs and cooked them for 10 extra minutes and it worked great. :)

Jules and Ruby said...

hi Anonymous...so glad it worked for you. i love the mug idea

Elle said...

Any particular reason you didn't use vanilla Greek yogurt? I have that on hand and don't want to mess up the recipe by using that if there is a reason not to :) I'm doing Weight Watchers and these are only 2 PointsPlus each so I'm pretty excited! Oh, one more question...the caloric information you posted, is that using the sugar substitute or real sugar? Thanks so much :)

Jules and Ruby said...

hi Ellie...i'm sure vanilla greek would work just fine. i know it is a little sweetened so watch how much sugar(or sug. sub.) you add in. the nutrition facts are for Zsweet in the souffle and i entered about 3 TSP real sugar for the ramekins, but i did not enter the butter for the ramekins...it was a slight amount per serving. i hope this helps. i'd love a report on the vanilla greek yogurt, i always have all kinds of yogurt in the fridge...maybe even a berry one with some fresh berries for a nice presentation?...thanks...J

Winnie said...

Thanks for the recipe. I made this tonight and thought it was great. My 9 year old asked if she could add lemon zest on top. Absolutely divine. Do you think i could add the lemon zest to the batter?

Jeanie said...

Thank you Jules and Ruby! So delish! Like little bites of heaven :-D
I'm curious -- you said they're good the next day, how did you store them?
Thanks! Jeanie

Jules and Ruby said...

hi Jeanie...thanks so much for the report. i forgot i wanted to make these this weekend. i think i just put saran wrap over the ramekin. as i mentioned they are not very souffle-ish the next day...more like a very light healthy cheesecake?....but still delicious with some fresh berries for a great quick breakfast treat...thanks again...jules

MammaDucky said...

Made these last night to rave reviews!! Served with warm blueberry compote. Thanks!!

Jules and Ruby said...

hi Mammaducky...love the name. thanks for the great report

bekah said...

this looks AMAZING!!! I am trying to stay far from gluten these days...do you think an almond flour could possibly be substituted??

Jules and Ruby said...

hi bekah...i'm not sure almond flour would work. i just googled "gluten free souffle" and found a few, but they sound more like an "egg souffle"...which isn't a bad thing at all. maybe i will investigate and come up with something, but in the mean time it never hurts to try the almond flour...i'm wondering if it might be a bit grainy? please report back if you try it...thanks J

Jackie said...

Thanks for the recipe! I made these today and they were wonderful!

Ali said...

Has anyone tried this recipe with whole wheat flour instead of AP?

Jules and Ruby said...

hi Ali...i was going to try white whole wheat next time...or almond flour...or coconut flour?...hmmm. let me know if you try it.

Anonymous said...

Is there a way to make this in one big casserole dish?? I don't have ramekins or oven safe mugs....

Jules and Ruby said...

hi Anonymous...i'm not so sure it would work. it might not be light and airy like a souffle, but it might turn out like a light cheese cake? do you have anything small with straight sides?...i wonder if a loaf pan would wok...LOL that would be different for sure. hope you have some luck, i'd love to know what happens.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for posting this - looks delicious! I've never made souffle before, but I'm always interested in ways to get my 90-yr old mom to eat more protein. I do have a question, though - how did you store this in order to enjoy the following morning? Thanks again!

Jules and Ruby said...

hi Anonymous...i put the ramekins in the fridge covered with plastic wrap. by then they had fallen past the rim. one time there wasn't enough room in the fridge so i popped them out and put the left over in a tupperware. like i mentioned, they don't resemble a souffle the next day, but they are still delicious, light and airy...and healthy protein for your MOM. i hope you both enjoy them.

Ali said...

Using the whole wheat flour worked wonderfully! I don't own ramekins and didn't want to buy them, so I used the 8 oz Pyrex storage wear instead and was able to just pop the lids on once they cooled and put them in the fridge. I also used a vanilla chocolate chunk greek yogurt. They were delicious and beautiful!

Jules and Ruby said...

hi Ali...fabulous with the chocolate chunk yogurt idea. pretty good the next day, huh? thanks for the report

Anonymous said...

Mmh mouth watering beautiful little souffles!

Kelly said...

WOW! I can't wait to try this :) Just pinned it!

jread said...

I am wondering if you have tried making these with any of your home made Skyr? We recently took a trip to Iceland, and I was so happy to find your tutorial on making Skyr. I bet it would give this an even more cheesecakey flavor. Cheers!

Jules and Ruby said...

hi whilehewasout...AND kelly...hope you try these little vanilla clouds

jread...so lucky you are to go there and try the REAL stuff. i hope you make some homemade and let me know if it comes close. BTW...do you think Skyr.is or Siggi's is similar to the real thing? this recipe tastes a little more like Skyr.is...Siggi's tastes more commercial made....i need to make some soon.

Anonymous said...

I have made this recipe twice now. Both times were delicious. The second time however, I more than doubled the vanilla and added 1/2 teaspoon more of flour and it turned out perfectly. The baking time for my oven was more like 25-30, but I live at a higher altitude, so I don't know if that makes a difference. Thanks for the recipe!!!

Jules and Ruby said...

hi anonymous...sounds great and yours look fabulous. thanks for the report

Anonymous said...

i am going to try this tonight, but isn't 1 cup (16 Tbsp) yogurt to much for this recipe? thanks you :-)

Jules and Ruby said...

hi Anonymous...1 cup of greek yogurt is right. loads of people have tried it and it worked for them as well. go ahead and give it a try. a couple people even used flavored greek yogurt. i might try that next time. thanks for the comment

areti said...

Greek yogurt 0% Fage is the best yogurt and makes every recipe really tasteful

Anonymous said...

What size ramekins did you use, apparently they come in different ounce sizes. Thank you in advance for the information.

Jules and Ruby said...

hi Anonymous...it's been a while since i have made these, but i just checked my ramekins. i have 6oz and 8oz. both are shown in the photos. both were used for this batch. i would use 6oz and fill it to the inside line, because like i mentioned, they WILL fall and you want to have some volume after they fall. i hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

Awesome, thanks so much for the info. Can't wait to try these out!

Jules and Ruby said...

hi again anonymous...i should have said the 6oz for 6 serv. or the 8oz for 4 servings...i think that's right. like i said i haven't made them in a while, but i will soon. they are delish

Weisbeck said...

Can't wait to try this! I am addicted to soufle, and cheesecake so the thought of a healthy low cal alternative is amazing. I never would have thought of this!

wing said...

Hi thanks for your recipe! But i just made them and they turned out to be too sour and too soft, more like a custard kind of texture than a cake! Not sure what went wrong there, quite disappointed :( and how much is 1cup of yogurt in ml?

Jules and Ruby said...

hi Wing...so sorry this didn't work for you. just wondering if you might have left out something? the flour?...not enough sweetener? was the yogurt just good plain greek yogurt? this is not a cake it is a souffle....if it doesn't rise or after it falls, it will be like a fluffy custard, but not a cake texture. also 1 cup equals 236.588ml. i hope you try again because it is quite delicious. let me know if i can help more....jules

Wing said...

Hi Jules, thanks for your reply. Hmm my bad, I would say that its not even a custard texture but a watery chinese steamed egg kind of texture if you get what i mean.. is it because the souffle failed to rise? i did add sugar, i used farmer's union greek yogurt because its more accessible where i am! yeah im trying to trouble shoot before trying again! Thanks!

Jules and Ruby said...

hi Wing...sounds like it didn't rise...i'm wondering if you're oven isn't hot enough. funny, i was going to make a Japanese egg custard today..."Chawanmushi"
also there is a NO PEEKING rule...and the original said bottom element only. although others have used regular oven and it worked. i don't know that kind of greek yogurt, but if it's thick it should work. maybe the first "flop" was a fluke...maybe just try it again. i sure hope it works. oh...did you sugar the whole inside(sides as well) of the ramekin?...hmmmmm i say try again and we'll get to the bottom of this problem...good luck...jules

Gloria Baker said...

This is an awesome recipe Jules I hope to make soon I will tell yiu I love greek yogurt!

Niyeti said...

I just made these ten minutes ago - THEY ARE AMAZING. Super easy, and absolutely incredible. thank you for sharing this!!! I will be making these very often.

Unknown said...

I made these tonight for a dinner party. People were 'mm'ing and had their eyes rolling back into their heads with ecstasy. It's THAT good. When I told them how many calories it had they accused me of lying lol.

Jules and Ruby said...

hi Lyla...funny they all thought you were lying...it DOES taste like a deluxe dessert. i swear i have to make this soon. i need to come up with a chocolate version...or maybe cappuccino ?

Karen said...

Nice food combination! Yogurts are made using active, good bacteria that good for digestive like Yakult a probiotic milk that contains billions of live and active “good bacteria” that may help balance digestive systems..

Anonymous said...

I was wondering what flour substitute could be used that is gluten free. Has anyone tried coconut flour or almond meal? They look delicious. Can't wait to try them.

Jules and Ruby said...

hi Anonymous...i hope someone else chimes in on the one, but i wonder if a store bought gluten-free flour substitute would work...let us know if you try something

Cortney Corner said...

I made this with a pumpkin spice cream cheese soooo good I made ut with the yogurt the first time and it was very good but when I tried it with the pumpkin spice it was divine.

Unknown said...

I don't have cream of tartar and I was wondering since it is a small amount if it would be possible to leave it out?

Jules and Ruby said...

hi Emily...i think it's worth a try, but it probably helps with the rising souffle. it will still taste delicious, but maybe it won't rise as well...?

Anonymous said...

Emily, if you don't have cream of tartar, you can substitute a tiny amount of lemon juice. It's not the exact same, but it will help, and the taste of the final product shouldn't be affected by it.

Stephanie said...

I just made this recipe for dessert a couple nights ago and it was fantastic! Delicious. Thanks for this post

yannnick said...

Made this last night...didn't have cream of tartar substituted it with a squeeze of lemon juice! worked great...the whole family loved it.

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Hayattan Azıcık said...

I've tried. İt's very tasty and light. Recipe link ;


of love...

Teresa said...

I have been told that if making a full sized soufflé, that half an hour before it is fully baked, to turn o
ff the oven and finish it that way. No opening the door and it won't fall. I've never made a soufflé. But have been wanting to.

Jules and Ruby said...

hi Teresa...i'm sure everybody has different tips. i like to try them all. this souffle is pretty easy, but a real cheese souffle, i might try your suggestion...thanks

Unknown said...

Love this. My husband and daughter are making this for mother's day tomorrow. My daughter's friends all request this for sleepovers .
Thanks again

Jules and Ruby said...

hi Laura...thanks for the great report. it's so easy and good AND healthy...right?

Unknown said...

These look amazing!!! I'm thinking I may give them a try with some Coconut Flour because I'm GF. When I get a chance to do so, I'll let you know. Do you think I could sub Maple syrup for the sugar in the mixture? Obviously that wouldn't work in the ramekins, but could it in "batter/dough" or does the sugar do something special in a soufflé?

Unknown said...

I am obsessed with this recipe and have made it dozens of times with various flavored Greek yogurts. my two current favorites are Dannon's light and fit Greek yogurt in banana cream pie and noosa's mango yogurt (not Greek, but very thick anyway). and last night I was craving pistachio, so I substituted a box of sugar-free pistachio jell-o brand pudding (mad according to the pie-filling directions listed on the box with skim milk) for the yogurt. I allowed the pudding to soft-set before adding the egg yolks FYI. it turned out with the same height as normal, but could've used two more minutes in the oven, I think. tasty alternative to the yogurt, for not many more calories (though no protein). thank you for sharing the recipe to begin with!

Anonymous said...

So I used a little over 1/3 cup of sugar and mine turned out to be rather tart. Do you have any ideas what may cause this? I used 1 cup of greek yogurt and 1 tlbs of vanilla. It was amazing around the edges where the sugar coating baked into it, should i try sugar directly into the egg yolk mixture next time?

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This recipe is FABULOUS! I add 1/4 c unsweetened cocoa powder and make chocolate ones. Ive used flavored Greek yogurts abd they are delicious

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