thank goodness i finally woke up and found the beauty of walnuts. they're buttery, rich, soft, but crunchy and, of course, full of those good omegas. #1 nut on the omega scale i do believe.
if you're like i was and have a slight aversion to these wonderful nuggets, i suggest you give this little bar a try. this quick easy recipe could change your perspective and you might find yourself seeking more ways to get walnuts into your life.
i came across this recipe from Sprinkle bakes. Heather has some great photos and tasty treats that i can't wait to try and you should check out. She found this recipe in The American Woman's Cookbook and i'm so so happy she passed it on. i can't wait to try using this as a base and using Trader Joe's sweet and spicy pecans, or throw in some miny chocolate chips, or get some coconut in there somewhere?....and you know i always love to throw in a bit of heat...cayenne and salted peanuts perhaps?...hmmm. i'll think about it. these are so easy to whip up there's really no excuse not to try them at least once. you won't regret it. maybe you'll even fall in love with could happen.
The American Woman's Cookbook
1 1/2 cup walnuts
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup flour sifted
1/4 tsp salt
2 eggs, well beaten
1 tsp vanilla
preheat oven to 375. grease 9 x 12 jellyroll pan and set aside.
mix brown sugar, flour and salt...set aside.
combine eggs and vanilla and beat well.
add egg mixture to flour mixture and blend well. mix until smooth.
fold in walnuts.
pour onto prepared pan and bake for 20-25 minutes.
cut into bars while still a bit warm.
store in airtight container.
my notes...i added about 1/2 plus more walnuts in the dough and i pressed some on top.
i also added approx 1/2 tsp cinnamon.
my pan was a 9 x 13 metal cake pan.
Those bars look delicious! Will have to give them a try...
I'm a big fan of walnuts, but I've been on a pecan kick lately. Ooh - I bet they'd be really good too with a combination of nuts.
I have to make these!
These bars looks gorgeous!
These look wonderful. I bet they would be great wit Black Walnuts too. Yum, yum.
It would seem to me that someone living in America would learn how to punctuate their commentary properly. YOUR punctuation is an insult to our language.
I agree that no butter is a plus.
DocChuck your comment made me laugh out loud but you must remember this is about food.Punctuation and manners it seems are both right out of the window!This is about walnuts and sweets and all is right with the world.
these are perfect for the walnut-lover. and hey, what a coincidence--i just so happen to be a walnut-lover. :)
I'm with Doc Chuck. If you cannot get the English punctuation correct or write a sentence without throwing in a haphazard comma just because you guess that you should, give it up. This isn't a blog, it's a blob. I came via taste Spotting and, rest assured, I won't be back.
they look wonderful and the photography is excellent!!!
Your photos are always so beautiful!! These bars look yummy!!
Wow I've GOTTA try these soon before my taste buds die of impatience :)
I always try making bars without butter but the taste is just not the same. I'll have to see if the omega men can step up to the plate.
Thanks for sharing. I love the photos too!
thanks to everyone for your comments. please let me know about any new flavor combos you try....mixed nuts, black walnuts and all.
side note...Doc chuck. so glad to have you back. always a pleasure.
Anonymous. you must have skipped the "disclaimer",(comma) YIKES! i thought the comma police were an urban legend.
Wow! DocChuck and his friend seem a little...tense? I'm kind of picky about punctuation myself, but except for one or two errors, it seemed fine to me. You seem to blog like you probably speak which relaxes the rules IMO. The bit about not capitalizing works because you do it throughout the post--like that's your signature style. I read a critically well regarded novel last year where the author used no quotation marks. NONE! And there was a lot of dialogue. So that was his stylistic choice. And this is yours. Whatever. Glaring punctuation mistates can be distracting, but I didn't find that to be the case here. Apparently they're a bit more sensitive to the problem.
Anyhow, I'm really surprised at this recipe. No extra fat other than the eggs, very little flour or sugar. I'm definitely gonna have to try these.
NOTE TO MY FELLOW FOODIES...I regret that i have had to moderate some comments (one unacceptable comment) that i received recently. This blog is meant to be all about FOOD, PHOTOS and FUN. I do, however, love all your comments. Please keep it up. Now...Let's eat cake...shall we ?
I apologize for my husband's comments. I fear it's the nasal spray talking.
On topic: your bars look scrumptious. I am planning to make them soon (with our beloved pee cahs) and will see if he finds them familiar.
Thanks, Liz
MrsDocChuck...Dr E...Doc E...Liz...
Whoever you are you made my day. Your profile ROCKS! Let me know how the "pee cahs" work out for ya.
Your walnut chewy bars look absolutely divine. Love it! Thanks for sharing.
I have a ton of walnuts on hand so this would be a great recipe to try. I might considering adding some fun mix-ins too!
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